The terminal emulator and themes I use in my virtual machines.

Kali VM

  • Terminal - Tilix

    • sudo apt-get install tilix
  • Tilix Themes

    • Tilix themes GitHub Repo
    • Argonaut
    • wget -qO $HOME"/.config/tilix/schemes/argonaut.json"
    • Apply color scheme
      • Preferences/Default/Color/Color scheme
    • Other Themes
  • Shell - zsh

    • chsh -s /bin/zsh
  • Zsh Theme - oh-my-zsh

    • oh-my-zsh GitHub Repo
    • Install via curl : sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Install via wget : sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
    • Theme - Agnoster
    • Edit ~/.zshrc and set theme as follows
      • ZSH_THEME="agnoster"
    • Install Powerline fonts. (Fixes font issue with agnoster theme)
      • git clone
      • cd fonts
      • ./
      • or sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

Kali Terminal

MacOS/OSX Setup

  • Terminal Emulator - iTerm2
  • iTerm2 Themes
    • iTerm2 theme GitHub Repo
    • Argonaut
    • git clone
    • Open iTerm2> Preferences> Profile> Colors> Color Presets
    • Click import and select theme in schemes directory inside cloned repo.
    • Select Argonaut color scheme from Color Presets drop down
  • Shell - zsh
    • chsh -s /bin/zsh
  • Zsh Theme - oh-my-zsh
    • Follow instructions same as for Kali.
    • Set font Meslo LG L for powerline in iTerm2.
    • Uncheck use different font for non-ASCII text

OSX Terminal