This post describes how to hook applications running on a remote device (iOS/Android) using Objection. Describes how to setup port forwarding.

Installing frida-tools (CLI tools) on Linux/Mac

Use the following commands to install frida-tools.

pip install frida-tools

If frida-tools already installed and wants to update to latest version.

pip install frida-tools --upgrade

Application running on Remote iOS (jailbroken) device

Install Frida (frida-server) on iDevice

  1. Add following repo to cydia -
  2. Search for ‘frida’ and install frida.
  3. Once installation finishes frida-server will be present in path and listening on port 27042 on the iDevice.

Port forward local port 27042 to remote port 27042

From PC/Mac terminal, run the following command to forward local port 27042 to remote port 27042.

ssh -L 27042: root@<iDevice_ip>

Enter iDevice root password and leave the terminal as is.

List applications running on device

Make sure frida-tools is upto date on the pc/MAC.

List running applications : frida-ps -R

Sample Output
(virt-python3)  rizal@rizals-Mac$ frida-ps -R
 PID  Name
----  --------------------------------------------------------
2712  Camera
 980  InCallService
2001  Mail
1720  Messages
 790  MusicUIService
2715  Photos
1726  Settings
1253  User Authentication
3424  WhatsApp

Hook application on remote iDevice with Objection

Command: objection --network --gadget "Application Name" explore

The --network flag tells objection to connect using a network connection instead of USB.

Sample Output
(virt-python3)  rizal@rizals-Mac$ objection --network --gadget "Reddit" explore

     _     _         _   _
 ___| |_  |_|___ ___| |_|_|___ ___
| . | . | | | -_|  _|  _| | . |   |
|___|___|_| |___|___|_| |_|___|_|_|
        |___|(object)inject(ion) v1.4.3

     Runtime Mobile Exploration
        by: @leonjza from @sensepost

[tab] for command suggestions
com.reddit.Reddit on (iPhone: 11.3.1) [net] #

Application running on remote Android (rooted) device

Install frida-server on Android device

Connect to remote device with ADB.

adb connect <android_device_ip>

Go to frida releases page and get the frida-server binary for android. Push it onto android device and set appropriate permissions.

adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/

adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"

Run frida-server on android device.

adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server &"

Port forward local port 27042 to remote port 27042

adb forward tcp:27042 tcp:27042

If port forwarding is not setup, the following error will come up.

(objection-py3env) android@tamer:~$ frida-ps -R 
Failed to enumerate processes: unable to connect to remote frida-server
Sample output once port forward is setup
(objection-py3env) android@tamer:~$ frida-ps -R 
 PID  Name
----  -------------------------------
 126  adbd
2177  android.process.acore
1249  audioserver
 245  batteryd
1250  cameraserver

Hook application on remote Android with Objection

Command: objection --gadget "Application Name" explore

Sample Output
(objection-py3env) android@tamer:~$ objection --gadget "net.fxxl" explore

     _     _         _   _
 ___| |_  |_|___ ___| |_|_|___ ___
| . | . | | | -_|  _|  _| | . |   |
|___|___|_| |___|___|_| |_|___|_|_|
        |___|(object)inject(ion) v1.4.3

     Runtime Mobile Exploration
        by: @leonjza from @sensepost

[tab] for command suggestions

net.fxxl on (Android: 7.0) [usb] # android sslpinning disable
Job: d9b3a203-acda-44d5-a179-5b4e84d8816a - Starting
[5b4e84d8816a] [android-ssl-pinning-bypass] Custom, Empty TrustManager ready
[5b4e84d8816a] [android-ssl-pinning-bypass] OkHTTP 3.x Found
[5b4e84d8816a] [android-ssl-pinning-bypass] TrustManagerImpl
Job: d9b3a203-acda-44d5-a179-5b4e84d8816a - Started