This post demonstrates how to dump decrypted iOS app IPA from a jailbroken iOS device. I’m using a Jailbroken iPhone 5s running iOS 12.2 to demostrate the entire process.
The Environment Setup
I’ll be using the frida-ios-dump tool to dump the IPA from a jailbroken device. The aforementioned script is written in Python, both Python2 and Python3 version are available. I’ll be using the Python2 version for this post.
There are several dependencies for the script to run properly and do its magic. All the requirements are specified in the ‘requirements.txt’ file once you clone the frida-ios-dump git repo.
I’ll setup a new Python2 virutal environment and install all the dependecies required in the virtual environment. This way I don’t need to worry about any messing up dependencies for other applications.
Python2 Virtual Environment
Creating a new Python2 virtual environment using virtualenv. If it is not available in path, use below command to install it.
pip install virtualenv
Use below command to create a Python2 virtual environment.
virtualenv --python=python2 p2env
Activate the Python2 environment.
source p2env/bin/activate
Now we are inside the Python2 environment.
iOS Device Setup
The device should be Jailbroken. I’m using a iPhone 5s running on iOS 12.2 jailbroken using unc0ver - undecimus.
frida-ios-dump requires frida-server to be running on the iOS device. The easiest way to do this is via Cydia on the device. Add the following source repo in Cydia.
Once the source is added, you can search for frida in Cydia. Install frida from Cydia, once installation is finished, frida-server will be running on th device and listening on its default port 27042.
To verify frida-server is running on the device, list the processes running on the device using frida-ps.
frida-ps -U
SSH should running on the device. With undecimus, OpenSSH must be installed from Cydia. Once installed, you can ssh to the device as root with default password ‘alpine’.
If you already have SSH running on your device, skip this step.
SSH Port Forwarding
For the frida-ios-dump to work, it should be able to SSH/SCP to the device via USB. For this port forwarding should be done.
Using from iphonessh repo to forward local port 2222 to remote port 22 via USB.
python iphonessh/python-client/ -t 22:2222 &
Now we can SSH to the iOS device connected via USB.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
Note: If you have iproxy instead, you can use the following command.
iproxy 2222 22
On mac iproxy is installed along with usbmuxd:
brew install usbmuxd
Installing Requirements
Clone the frida-ios-dump git repo and navigate inside the directory.
Run the following command from within the Python2 virtual envinronment to install all the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the installation is finished, we are ready to dump decrypted IPAs.
Dumping Decrypted IPAs
We are done with the pre-requisites now.
- Python2 virtual enviroment.
- frida-server listening on Jailbroken device.
- Port forwarding local port 2222 to remote port 22.
- Installed all requirements in the Python2 envinronment.
With the iOS device connected to the PC/MAC via USB. Run the following command to dump decrypted IPA. Make sure the application for which we are going to dumpt the IPA is not running on the iOS device.
python <application_name>
Once the process is done, you will have the decrytped application IPA in the current working directory.