
A small helper script written in python to assist in solving WORDLE of the day.


My colleague introduced me to the WORDLE game which is very popular now. I found it very interesting and started solving them everyday. Soon I found it harder to think of words. So I wrote this script to help me solve WORDLE everyday.

WORDLE Helper Script

Script Demo

Help Page:


Use the suggest feature to get words with specified number of vowels.


or Guess first word.


Now we know:

  • Letter a is in the wordle at position 2.
  • Letters h, i, r, y are not in the wordle

Run our helper script as follows to find all possible words.

[wordle] python wordle.py -w 5letter.txt -p a=2 -e hiry


Select any word from the list and enter in wordle (I chose the word taken).


We now have some additional info:

  • Letters t and e are in the wordle but at wrong positions.
  • Letters k and n are not in the wordle.

Run script by supplying above information as well along with previous ones.

[wordle] python wordle.py -w 5letter.txt -p a=2,t=-1,e=-4 -e hirykn
['waste', 'paste', 'caste', 'baste', 'saute', 'matte', 'easts']
  • t=-1 implies letter t anywhere except 1st position
  • Similarly, e=-4 implies letter e in word anywhere except 4th position


Select any word from the list and enter in wordle (I chose the word waste).


Now we know:

  • Letters t and e are in correct positions (t=4, e=5)
  • Letter s in wordle anywhere except 3 (s=-3)

Run script again with above info added.

[wordle] python wordle.py -w 5letter.txt -p a=2,t=4,e=5,s=-3 -e hiryknw


We only have one word saute and it should be our wordle of the day. Lets try it out.


Lame JS hack to be a wordle Genius


JS Hack 01

JS Hack 02


If you have reached here and is now wondering what does this post have to do with information security, nothing, absolutely nothing and for that I must apologize.
