Black Hat MEA 2022 - Qualifier - Meme Generator

Challenge Description Difficulty : Medium Points : 250 Categoty : Web Walkthrough The Meme Generator website allows you generate a Meme by seaching a term on any one of the 3 below search engines. Google DuckDuckGo Search Encrypt When searching on any of the search engines, the search URL would look like this. # Google<MEME_SEARCH_TERM> # DuckDuckGo<MEME_SEARCH_TERM> # Search Encrypt<MEME_SEARCH_TERM> # General Format https://<SEARCH_ENGINE>....

October 4, 2022 · 3 min · Rizal

Wordle Helper Script

What? A small helper script written in python to assist in solving WORDLE of the day. Why? My colleague introduced me to the WORDLE game which is very popular now. I found it very interesting and started solving them everyday. Soon I found it harder to think of words. So I wrote this script to help me solve WORDLE everyday. WORDLE Helper Script Script Demo Help Page: Use the suggest feature to get words with specified number of vowels....

March 18, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal

Shotter - Quickly screenshot list of URLs

What? Shotter - Quickly take screenshots of a list of URLs. Why? During an internal assessment, I wanted a tool to see what web applications are running in range of IP’s. Couldn’t get EyeWitness to work. How? Written in python. Makes use of selenium webdriver to open websites and capture screenshots. To speed up the process of taking screenshots, the script makes use of multiprocessing - WHY?. Why Multiprocessing?...

March 16, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal

ICMP Reverse Command Shell

Introduction This post demonstrates a reverse shell over ICMP which will work on both windows and linux platforms. The idea is to create two different programs, a server program which will run on attacker controlled machine and a client program which when run on a victims machine will connect to the server program. Once connected, the client program will accept commands from server and will reply with the command output. Both client and server will make use of ICMP Echo messages to communicate....

March 16, 2022 · 7 min · Rizal

Playsecure CTF 2021 - Color Generator

Challenge Description Introducing Color Generator! Enter an expression that returns a number and get a color! This can’t be abused! …right? Flag is in /etc/flag.txt Connect to the challenge at ...

March 28, 2021 · 5 min · Rizal